Electrodermal screening (EDS) is a method of assessing functional imbalances in the body by gathering bio-energy feedback.  Energy imbalances may be symptoms of an illness.

At the subatomic level, physical matter is simply bundles of quantum energy.  At the atomic level, the exchange of electrons produces electricity that is measurable and thus, this type of assessment is a measurement of vibrational energy.

During EDS, the patient holds an electrode in one hand and the technician (Bill Graham) presses another electrode against an acupuncture point on the toe or finger.  Both electrodes are connected to the EDS unit, which measures the voltage differential between the electrodes and thus between the acupuncture points in the patient’s body.  A baseline is first established by measuring the Galvanic skin response (the skin's electrical resistance) and then one external frequency at a time is introduced into the circuit of the EDS unit to determine to what extent, if any, the individual's energy deviates from its baseline reading.

For example, if a person is being tested for a wheat sensitivity, an ampoule containing a diluted substance of the wheat molecule is placed into the circuit, and if the EDS unit then reads a higher milli-voltage than the original patient's baseline reading, it is a good indication that wheat caused the energy in the body to become imbalanced.

This type of testing is not used for any type of definitive diagnosis.  It is most often used for functional imbalance assessment, and when people have had a myriad of conventional tests done by their MDs and still feel unwell despite "normal" lab and radiology results.

I use this type of testing to primarily check for food sensitivities (not for food allergies, which are found on another section of this website), to check for sensitivities of other substances (like animal dander, feathers, dust, molds, etc.), to check for Candidiasis and other potentially problematic microbes, to assess organ function during detoxification programs, to assess gut health and the level of dysbiosis present, and to determine if nutrient deficiencies are an issue.

This is a cost effective and painless method of testing that obtains information quickly and monitors progress.  It does not replace or substitute for a comprehensive medical workup or appropriate conventional medical testing.  It does however, offer a window into how the body functions energetically, and what steps can be taken to bring the body back into balance.