One size does not fit all when it comes to nutrition. Depending upon personal philosophy, clinical condition, food allergies, food intolerances, nutrient deficiencies or excesses, and many other factors, the optimal diet for you may be one of a myriad of choices.
Words like paleo, vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, grain-free, high fat, Mediterranean, food additive avoidance, are just that: words. They are meaningful when you determine what is best for you. Finding out what is best for you is done by personal experimentation guided by food allergy and food intolerance testing, along with other types of testing if necessary. Clinical nutrition is both science and empirically based.
What you eat creates the building blocks of the cells in your body. What you eat has the power to create less or more inflammation in your body which can alter many disease processes. Nutrition also has the power to improve mental and emotional health, which often leads to an improved quality of life. Healthy nutrition that is right for you will increase your vitality and help you age easily and gracefully.
At times, improved nutrition can precipitate a curative response in a variety of illnesses. At other times, improved nutrition can lessen challenging symptoms in conditions that are not reversible.
You are unique. There is no one in the world quite like you. What works best for you is based upon your own beliefs, your own unique biochemistry, and your own regular and keen observations about yourself.
I wish for you great health and bon appetit!