Naturopathic physicians who are registered with a Prescriptive Authority designation in British Columbia are able to prescribe pharmaceutical drugs when indicated. While NDs are regulated to prescribe many different types of drugs, a list of excluded drugs that NDs cannot prescribe can be found on the CNPBC website.
In practice, I prescribe drugs infrequently. I do so for many reasons. Most often, it is the patient's primary care MD who is monitoring and prescribing drugs for his/her patient and thus, I do not interfere with that process unless there is a concern. For many illnesses, and depending upon the illness, I use drugs as a last resort, and only if they are well indicated. At times, depending on the illness, drugs are the best treatment option of choice. However, if it is wise to use other alternative approaches I will exercise those options first, because of the potential side effects that pharmaceuticals often have, as well, xenobiotic accumulation can affect long term overall health adversely. The body can use drugs in beneficial ways, but organs must also detoxify and excrete drug metabolites via the liver, kidneys and bowels. This can place a burden of toxic bioaccumulation, possibly impairing health in the future.
There is always a risk versus benefit ratio when any type of therapy is used, especially with pharmaceutical medications. If it is wise to help patients wean off of their drugs, I will do so. If it is wise to support patients with other alternative therapies while taking pharmaceuticals because the benefit of the drug outweighs the risk of not taking it, I will also do so.
The benefit of taking a pharmaceutical drug versus the risk of taking it is dependent upon the specific illness being treated, the patient being treated, the patient's concerns and beliefs around the drug, and the patient's tolerance to the medication.
In medicine, I believe in wisdom, respect, listening to patients, compassion, keen observation, and science.
When it comes to science, there are times when not all is what it appears to be, as articulated in a post I wrote in 2014 entitled, "Numbers Needed to Treat".